Remember when you were 16, in your final year of GCSEs – if only you’d had some extra guidance – you could have got two grades higher ! Do everything you can to give your child the best start possible. I’m offering 3 packages:

Package Features  

Complete GCSE Success

Up to 9 GCSEs
  • Past exam search 
  • Base line testing
  • Notes review
  • x3 – Exam setting, marking, and review 
  • Gap analysis
  • Revision timetable and task lists 

Core GCSE Focus

Up to 5 GCSEs
  • Past exam search 
  • Base line testing
  • Notes review
  • x3 – Exam setting, marking, and review 
  • Gap analysis

Focused GCSE Improvement

Up to 3 GCSEs

  • Past exam search 
  • Base line testing
  • Notes review
  • x3 – Exam setting, marking, and review 
  • Gap analysis

All of the tasks above, plus chasing up (with you if need be!) to make sure work is done ! This is a long term commitment from me and a lot of work – I have to make sure it’s a win-win situation and that I do my very best for our children.

After joining you will receive an eMail on how to complete your registration and then we will begin the support and coaching process for you and your child.

If you have problems please contact me.

This site has morphed from CAT4 practice into providing support for GCSEs to parents who aren’t teachers and are busy working. What I’m providing is an complete package which will guide you and your child in the 7-step approach. Find out what they are by clicking here.