Once my son had passed the CAT4 exam and was in the school I wanted … he needed to keep up with the competition – tutors charged by the hour and were way to expensive – so I had to find another way…. I used my own experience at University to develop an approach which – just like with the CAT4 exam – would help him get the highest grade possible and not just level the playing field but putting him at an advantage – my motto has always been “Work smarter not harder“.

I know, I know… I get it … most of us simply don’t have the time – with our day jobs, families, and friends. The question is who are doing this all for? … we don’t want to look back and think we let our kids down and coul ehave done more. What I’ve done on this site is to provide you with all the different strategies and techniques I’ve used to help my son firstly pass his CAT4 exam and then to get straight As and A*s for his GCSEs.

These techniques are on this site wth all their details for you to follow

… of course we don’t all of time – and some of us are already stressed and simply don’t have the patience. For CAT4 tests all we can do is provide practice online test but for GCSEs there are a lot of things we can do.

  • Read My Story on Smashing the GCSEs / IGCSEs (Click here)
  • GCSE / IGCSE Past Exam Paper Finding (Click here)
  • GCSE / IGCSE Revision Timetabling Service (Coming Soon)
  • Marking Service / Gap Analysis (Coming Soon)
  • End of Year Progress Checks / Gap Analysis (Coming Soon)
  • CAT4 Practice Tests – the original service (Click here)

Take a look at the pages above – work out if you can do it all, do some of it, or none of it. Let me know if you need help with anything that you simply don’t have time or energy for, I’m sure I can help.